Web9/08/ · Strict gun control laws help reduce homicide Gun control laws facilitate the reduction of accidental injuries The 2nd amendment doesn’t grant average individuals Web14/03/ · There are two types of essays that can be written on gun control: pro-gun control and against gun control essay. Pro-gun control essay Pro-gun control Web13/10/ · So far, the evidence against gun control is very reasonable and convincing. Gun control robs the citizens of their exceptional right – the right to protect themselves
Essay Against Gun Control | SchoolWorkHelper
One of the most valued liberties by the American people is their right to bear arms; a right enshrined in the Second Amendment. This right, which was included in the bill of rights inagainst gun control essay, has continued to be upheld by successive governments up to today. The destruction caused by firearms in school shootings and the public at large has enraged many and led to calls for tighter gun control measures. The government has responded to this by imposing gun regulation, a move that has greatly angered gun control opponents. This paper will argue that the US government does not have any right to control guns and as such, it should respect the second amendment and stop taking up measures to impose gun control on its citizens.
Gun control is an infringement upon the basic rights of the Americans to possess firearms. By trying to impose gun control measures in the country, the government is going against the constitution. Considering that the government is required to uphold the constitution at all against gun control essay, gun control measures are essentially unlawful, against gun control essay. Legal scholars refute this claim by stating that the Second Amendment protected the right of the individual to possess firearms, against gun control essay. Therefore, the right of individuals to have fire guns in the present era is still protected by the US constitution.
The control of bullets or even the ban of assault rifles will not prevent murderous people from engaging in killing. Domenech observes that most of the calls against gun control essay stricter against gun control essay control measures come following tragic incidents like the mass killing of students in school by gun wielding individuals Gun control proponents use tragedies of mass murders such as the Sandy Hook incident to make a case for further restrictions on the gun-owning rights of American citizens, against gun control essay. This is in spite of the fact that there is no research data supporting the theory that gun possession increases the likelihood of mass murders taking place.
Stricter gun control legislation will not prevent sad incidents like the Sandy Hook case which robbed 20 children and six adults of their lives since, as Domenech explains, no laws can make the murderously insane sane or remove their ability to destroy innocent lives The government should try to identify the reasons for such incidents and take measures to avoid them from occurring in future. Blaming gun possession for action of deranged murderous is neglectful and it will only leave the public vulnerable to such attacks in the future. The ability of an individual to protect himself by having guns is reduced by having gun controls measures.
Opponents of gun ownership hope to make it impossible for citizens to buy and have guns for self-protection. Most people invest in firearms so as to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. Domenech reveals that most handgun sales in the US are made to individuals who are interested in defending their homes Strict gun control legislations will prevent many people from being able to acquire guns for this defensive purpose. It can be expected that the crime rates in the country will increase if individuals are barred from having guns.
This is because guns have a deterrence effect on criminals who are discouraged from attacking homes where the owner has a gun. If criminals are not worried about being confronted by lethal legal weaponry by the person they intend to rob, crime rates will rise. Proponents of gun control argue that individuals with firearms still against gun control essay attacked and even murdered by criminals. While this is true, it should not be used as the basis for denying people a right to protect themselves and increase their chances of fighting off criminals. The government should therefore stop all gun control since these measures have a negative impact on the safety of the citizens.
Gun control will amount to an intrusion into the private lives of individuals by the government. As it is, the US has a gun culture that stretches back to centuries. This culture is against gun control essay to ideals such as individuality and liberty due to the deep relationships that guns have with the war for independence, which took place from to Wolpert and Gimpel Gun restrictions ignore the fact that guns have many legitimate users such as sporting and hunting. By imposing these laws, individuals are denied the right to enjoy their freedom to bear arms. Wolpert and Gimpel declare that by implementing gun control measures, the government is using coercive power to directly shape individual conduct In a country that prides itself for having liberties for all its citizens, this government action should not be tolerated.
The government should respect the privacy of its citizens and allow them to have firearms if they want to. This paper set out to argue that gun control is an infringement upon the most basic of rights or American citizens and the government should not be empowered to control guns. The paper began by against gun control essay that gun control measures are a violation of the constitutional rights of the American citizens, against gun control essay. While these measures are mostly demanded to try to reduce incidents of gun related violence, research indicates that possession of guns by citizens does not reduce violence since people who intend to commit murder will still find a way to engage in these acts.
Gun control also prevents people from engaging in legitimate personal activity such as hunting and protecting themselves form assailants. By stopping its attempts at gun control, the government will not only be upholding the constitutional rights of its citizens but it will also ensure that the citizens are able to enjoy the benefits that firearms bring to the individual and the society at large. Barnett, Randy. Texas Law Review Domenech, Benjamin. Commentary Wolpert, Robin, and Gimpel James. Political Behavior Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?
An Argument against Gun Control. Table of Contents. Introduction Why Gun Control Should Be Abolished Conclusion Works Cited. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on An Argument against Gun Control specifically for you! This essay on An Argument against Gun Control was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly, against gun control essay. Removal Request. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda.
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WebArguments Against Gun Control Essay There is no doubt that guns are an integral part of American history. Throughout the years there have been numerous debates over Web3/11/ · Essay on Against Gun Control Published: /11/03 Number of words: Introduction Gun violence is on the rise in many societies, as contributed by control Web31/12/ · Gun Control Argumentative Essay Firearm violence has been an growing issue in the US, along with argumentative debates on what should be done. A segment
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