Apr 12, · The struggle for John Proctor in “The Crucible” is when he has to fight against what he has been accused of. As readers, we learn that Proctor is one of the few sensible John proctor is one of the main characters in the play “The Crucible” at first he is selfish and commits adultery with abigail but by the end of the play he definitely matures and takes blame Jan 28, · The Crucible, takes place in the Puritan Society where people are condemned of witchery, guilty or innocent were taken upon very harshly. The Crucible has many different
John Proctor's Character Development in The Crucible Essay Sample
Please enter the email address that you use to login to TeenInk. com, and we'll email you instructions to reset your password. Proctor is a man whose mistakes lead him to a place of self-doubt. Throughout the novel, he teteers on an inner scale of self-confidence and self-worth vs. self-hatred and self-deprecation. It is only at the end of the novel that he decides that his identity is worth clinging onto, although, paradoxically, this means being hanged. It is an important realization for Proctor that he would rather die as himself, with at least a shred of dignity and self-worth, than live feeling confined, oppressed, and used by Danforth and the church. Proctor is both a failure and an ultimate hero because his fatal mistake, his moral sin, leads him to acknowledge his flaws, forgive himself, and realize his personal worth and integrity.
Prior to the events in the story, John Proctor has a short-lived affair with Abigail Williams, who was the servant of Proctor and his wife Elizabeth, the crucible essay on john proctor. Out the crucible essay on john proctor some place of desperation or loneliness, and discontentedness with himself, Proctor lusted for this young, charming girl. He regrets his decision immensely and falls into a place of despair and self-hatred, convinced he can never right his wrong and is now forever dishonorable and sinful. Great stress is put on his relationship with his wife, Elizabeth, whom he still loves. There is a feeling of separation between them, a cold distance that discomforts them both.
At the end of the play, Danforth and the others allow Elizabeth to see John before he is set to be hanged, his punishment for refusing to admit to witchcraft. John looks to his wife to help him justify his actions. Elizabeth understands that John feels as though she must forgive him before he can forgive himself. His determination to redeem himself and willingness to own up to what he did prove that despite making an appalling moral error, he is still a moral hero. Proctor ultimately decides to deny allegations of witchcraft. He refuses to live under the false pretense of committing and admitting to witchcraft, appeasing the church, and being used as another the crucible essay on john proctor in the storm of accusations and anxiety occurring in Salem.
By letting himself be hurled into the pool of the accused, Proctor feels that the church is taking his soul and using him, an important name in town, to make their cause look legitimate. He dies as himself, cognizant of his righteousness as well as of his flaws. Ultimately, he is able to forgive himself and learns to view himself as no less of a person than anyone else despite moral wrongs he has committed in the past. Ironically, by fully believing in himself and deciding that his identity is worth not giving up to the merciless Danforth and Parris, he is hanged. A man who has done no wrong is surely moral, but a man who has done wrong, recognizes it, finds a way to forgive himself, and learns deeper meaning from this emotional trauma is a moral hero. Thank you for sharing this page with a friend!
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John Proctor essay
, time: 2:46John Proctor's Power in The Crucible Essay Example

John proctor is one of the main characters in the play “The Crucible” at first he is selfish and commits adultery with abigail but by the end of the play he definitely matures and takes blame Apr 22, · John Proctor’s name is abruptly tainted. Then comes a second and final blow to his reputation when Mary Warren accuses John of witchcraft, exclaiming “You’re the Devil’s man!” Write an essay in which you explain how the character’s feelings changed, why they changed, and how this change affects the work as a whole. In The Crucible such a character is John Proctor who is a farmer and has a wife Elizabeth but he has sexual relationships in secret with Parris’s 17 year-old niece Abigail Williams
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