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Migration essay

Migration essay

migration essay

18/09/ · This essay was written by a fellow student. This type of migration is less common than internal migration such as rural to urban migration. There are two reasons Migration is not merely a reallocation of human resources but is a process which has three-fold impact: (a) on the area experiencing immigration, (b) on the area experienc­ing out Internal migration is the movement of individuals within a country whereas international migration involves the flow of individuals between countries where national boundaries are crossed. The

Migration Essay Examples - Free Samples

The term migration refers to the movement of population from one place to another. It may migration essay of temporary or permanent type. Temporary migra­tions may be annual, seasonal or even of a shorter duration, migration essay, like daily, migration essay. Commutation is the term used for daily movement of people between city and migration essay surrounding towns or villages. Migration is not merely a reallocation of human resources but is a process which has three-fold impact: a on the area experiencing immigration, b on the area experienc­ing out-migration, and c on the migrants them­selves, The purpose of migration may be employ­ment, business, migration essay, education, family movement, mar­riage, calamity, etc. According migration essay Census about per cent of migration is due to economic reasons, especially for seeking employment.

Migra­tion is the net result of the combined effects of push factors of the area from where people migrate and the pull effect of the area to which they migrate. In India the rural areas suffering from poverty, unem­ployment and excessive population-growth migration essay push effects from where rural youths, in large number, migrate to mega cities and industrial towns which have pulling effects due to more employment oppor­tunities, greater prosperity and better conditions for sustenance. There are four streams of migration: a rural to rural, b rural to urban, c urban to urban, and d urban to rural. In India rural to urban migration is very significant. Sometimes there is migration from village to small town and later from small town to city. Such migration is called step-wise migration, migration essay.

In India there is massive rural to urban migra­tion towards metropolitan cities like Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai etc to seek employment and better their economic prospects, migration essay. Majority of these mi­grants are illiterate or semi-literate and unskilled peasants and labourers who are compelled to leave migration essay village home due to poverty and unemploy­ment. Since most of our cities have very limited employment generating capacity under capital-in- tensile industrialization and very limited absorptive capacity in the organized sector, these migrants find salvage only in informal sector, such as, porters, domestic servants, hawkers, vendors, construction workers, etc.

Since these migrants have little skill or training they are mostly absorbed in migration essay processing activities, indigenous transport, petty trade, or low-grade services. Very few are in admin­istrative, professional or technical services. Condi­tion of women migrants, although small, are more precarious, greater proportion of them are illiterate or semi-literate and are compelled to take migration essay still lower kinds of jobs, as domestic maid servants, hawkers or vendors Mukerji, and It has led to the cancerous growth of shanty towns, slums, bastees and squatter settlements, overflow of urban unemployment, digres­sion of per capita consumption levels of daily neces­sities migration essay, clothing, shelterand a very sharp decline of basic human values in extremely con­gested Indian metropolises that have been speedily occurring over and which will accelerate in 21st century Mukerji,p.

This phenomenon is similar to urban decay and degeneration. Urban areas, in India, not only attract poor and illiterate class of people from villages but also provide opportunity to educated and migration essay class to better their economic lots and lead a more comfort­able life. Many students from rural areas, who go to towns and cities for their higher education, get employment in urban areas and become part and parcel of city life. Big landlords and rich farmers have shown keen interest in investing agricultural profits in urban areas especially to business and commercial activities.

Hence, cities, in developing countries like India, are growing at the plunder of rural resources both natural and human, migration essay. Unless this exploitative trend is counter-acted the revival of the villages is a distant dream. Most of the international migrants to India are coming from Asian countries, followed by Europe­ans, Africans, migration essay, etc. The neighbouring countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Russia etc. have contributed large number of migrants to India. Since there is no restriction along Indo-Nepal international boundary large number of Nepali people come to India for seeking employment, education, business etc, migration essay.

Assam, West Bengal and north eastern migration essay attract large number of legal and ill-1 gal migrants from Bangladesh. This has created a number of social, economic and political problems in these areas. Nepalese are seen in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, migration essay, Maharashtra and Delhi, migration essay. Similarly migrants from Sri Lanka are most frequented in South India especially in Tamil Nadu. Concentration of Arab nationals in the western states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, Daman and Diu and Kerala is mainly due to the proximity. Migrants from many African countries come to India to seek higher education and training.

An migration essay feature of internal migration in India is that the volume of inter-state migration is smaller than the intra-state migration. During Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, West Bengal and Delhi have a higher number of inter-state migrants in their urban areas. This is mainly due to the higher rate of urbanisation, industrialisation and mining activities in these areas. The urban centers of Lakshadweep, Dadra, Nagar Haveli and Arunachal Pradesh have nearly per cent outside population. This shows that long distance inter-state migration is generally urban oriented. A noticeable feature of this migration is the deficiency of females. In inter-state migration while there is decline in the percentage share of rural to rural migration between and remaining three streams have recorded appreciable increase.

Both male and female components in the rural to rural stream of inter-state migrants have wit­nessed decline during The rural to urban stream, on the other hand, has registered increase, although on a small scale. Similarly the urban to urban and urban to rural streams have registered increase between 1 and 3 per cent in both male and female components, migration essay. The migration of the people from one part of state to another i. Here an overwhelming proportion On the other hand only 9. About Some 73 per cent of the total intra-state migrants were females which were due to marriage. About three-fourth of these female migrants belonged to the rural stream.

Movement to rural areas generally does not migration essay the whole family. As the work is low paying, hence, migrants cannot afford migration essay keep their families in native places and support them by remittances. But in case of urban areas families do join the migrants when their income becomes reasonable, migration essay. Nuclear and incomplete families are becoming com­mon in urban centers in recent days. A comparison of and Census data shows that the proportion of rural to rural migrants has declined by 5. On the other hand, urban to urban stream has registered an increase of 2.

Migration essay analysis shows that the migration pat­tern in India is very complex. This complexity is increasing due to development in the means of trans­port and communication. The urban population domi­nates in migration essay of inter-state migration, while it is rural in intra-state case. About three-fourths of all mi­grants in the intra-state category were women. Rajasthan, U, migration essay. Unequal eco­nomic development appears to be the main cause for migration. There is a need for removing these dis­parities in development and also provide minimum basic amenities for migrants in the cities.

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Essay on Migration | Causes and Effects of Migration

migration essay

Immigration Argumentative Paper There are around million foreign-born people living in the United States today. From the beginning of this country until now, immigrants have come to 18/09/ · This essay was written by a fellow student. This type of migration is less common than internal migration such as rural to urban migration. There are two reasons Migration is not merely a reallocation of human resources but is a process which has three-fold impact: (a) on the area experiencing immigration, (b) on the area experienc­ing out

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