WebChe Guevara’s Leadership. Che Guevara’s life is an outstanding case study of the influence of circumstances and background on the views and way of life of the individual. Various WebBetter Essays Words 8 Pages Open Document Ernesto "Che" Guevara Ernesto "Che" Guevara, a doctor and revolutionary in Bolivia, was assassinated by the American Web10/11/ · Ernesto “Che” Guevara, Revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara was born in Rosario, Argentina on 14 June He was the eldest of five children. He began school
Che Guevara - Wikipedia
Ernest Che Guevara Ernesto Guevara de Serna was born in Argentina in into a fairly privileged family. He developed serious asthma at the age of two, which would plague him throughout his life. He was home-schooled by his mother, Celia de la Serna. He went to secondary school inthe Colegio Nacional Dean Funes, Cordoba, where he excelled in literature and sports. At home he was impressed by the Spanish Civil War refugees and by the long series of political crises in Argentina. These culminated in the Left Fascist dictatorship of Juan Peron, to whom the Guevara de la Sernas were opposed.
These events and influences implanted ideas of contempt for the charade of parliamentary democracy, a hatred of military politicians and the army, the capitalist oligarchy, and, above all, U. Although his parents, most notably his mother, were anti-Peronist activists, he did not take participate in revolutionary student che guevara essay and showed little interest in politics at Buenos Aires University where he studied medicine, che guevara essay. He focused on understanding his own disease, and later became more interested in leprosy. In he made the first of his long journeys, exploring northern Argentina on a bicycle. This was the first time Ernesto came into contact with the very poor and the remnants of the Indian tribes.
Inafter taking his exams, he made a much longer journey. He visited southern Argentina, che guevara essay, Chile, where he met Salvador Allende, and Peru, where he worked for several weeks in the San Pablo leprosarium. He then was in Colombia at the time of La Violencia, and Venezuela and Miami where he was arrested but soon released. He returned home for his finals sure of only one thing: he did not want to become a middle-class general practitioner. He passed, specializing in dermatology, and went to La Paz, Bolivia, during the National Revolution in which he condemned as che guevara essay opportunist. From there he went to Guatemala, arriving during the socialist Arbenz presidency.
It was in Guatemala that he began to earn his living by writing archaeological articles about the Inca and Maya ruins. By then he was already a Marxist, well read in Lenin, and he refused to join the Communist Party. This meant che guevara essay he would pass up the chance of a government medical appointment. This left him penniless. While in Guatemala, he saw the CIA at work as the principal agents of counterrevolution. He confirmed, in his view, that Revolution could be made only by armed insurrection. When Arbenz fell, Guevara went to Mexico City September where he worked in the General Hospital. Hilda Gadea and Nico Lopez joined him. It was there that he met and was charmed by Raul and Fidel Castro, then political emigres, and realized that in Fidel he had found the leader he was seeking, che guevara essay.
He joined other Castro followers at the farm wh. ere Alberto Bayo, the Spanish Republican Army Captain, was training Cuban revolutionaries in guerrilla warfare. The Spanish captain drew not only on his own experience, but also on the guerrilla teachings of Mao Tse-tung, che guevara essay. Che became his star pupil and was made a leader of the class. The war games at the farm attracted police attention, and all the Cubans and Che were arrested. However, they were released che guevara essay month later June When the guerillas invaded Cuba, Che went with them, first as doctor, and soon later as a Commandant of the revolutionary army.
He was the most aggressive, clever, and successful of the guerrilla officers, che guevara essay, and the most earnest in giving his men a Leninist education. He was also a ruthless disciplinarian who unhesitatingly shot defectors, as later he got a reputation for cold-blooded cruelty in the mass execution of recalcitrant supporters of the defeated president Batista. At the triumph of the Revolution, Guevara became second to Fidel Castro in the new government of Cuba, and the man was chiefly responsible for pushing Castro towards communism. It was a communism that was independent of the orthodox, Moscow-style communism of some of their colleagues. Inhe married Aledia March and together they visited Egypt, India, Japan, Indonesia, Pakistan and Yugoslavia.
Back in Cuba, as Minister for Industry February he signed a trade pact with the USSR which freed the Cuban sugar industry from dependence on the teeth of the U. At this time, he glorified his own kind of communist philosophy. His formal breach with Soviet Communists came when, addressing the Organization for Afro-Asian Solidarity at Algiers February he charged the USSR with being a tacit accomplice of imperialism by not trading exclusively with the Communist bloc and by not giving underdeveloped socialist countries aid without any thought of return. For some months his whereabouts were a secret and his death was widely rumored. He was in various African countries, notably the Congo surveying the possibilities of turning the Kinshasa rebellion into a Communist revolution, by Cuban-style guerrilla tactics.
He returned to Cuba to train volunteers for that project, and took a force of Cubans to the Che guevara essay. His men fought well, but the Kinshasa rebels did not. They were useless against the Belgian mercenaries, and by autumn Che had to advise Castro to withdraw Cuban aid. The attempt ended in his being captured by a Bolivian army unit and shot a day later, che guevara essay. He was a focus for the kind of desperate revolutionary action which seemed, to millions of young people, the only hope of destroying the world of middle class industrial capitalism and communism. This essay was written by a fellow student.
You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Ernest Che Guevara Essay. Accessed December 4, In case you can't find a relevant example, che guevara essay, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home Essays. Verified writer. Che guevara essay result 5 hours. Customers reviews Ernest Che Guevara Essay Academic anxiety? Get original paper in che guevara essay hours and nail the task. Get help now experts online. Civics Essay. Robert Schumann Essay. Need custom essay sample written special for your assignment? Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report Order custom paper Without paying upfront.
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Web6/01/ · Ernest Che Guevara Ernesto Guevara de Serna was born in Argentina in into a fairly privileged family. He developed serious asthma at the age of two, which WebChe Guevara Marxism Che Guevara: In this essay i will write about the argentinian resistance lead che guevara (also known as el Che) who fought hunger and poverty and Web12/08/ · A critical analysis of leadership style and ethics is presented in the essay. Che Guevara was a leader who was born in June and died in while sacrificing his
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