WebStem cell research should be funded because it has the potential to cure many different diseases and conditions. Stem cells are unspecialized, meaning that they have the WebA persuasive for the use of stem cells for research. Using stem cell could reduce the dependence on organ donations and transplantation. In a survey posted on WebStem Cell Research Persuasive Essay. Words3 Pages. Introduction Stem cell research, the exploration of using stem cells to help heal ailments and maladies in humans, has
Stem Cell Research Persuasive Speech - blogger.com
Inthen- president George W. Bush announced federal funding for stem cell research using existing stem cell lines. The announcement was seen as a compromise that allowed future research while preventing the destruction of future human embryos. InPresident Barack Obama issued an Executive Order lifting many of the restrictions on stem cell research and approving new lines or research. Thus giving back that persuasive essay stem cell research thing we once did not appreciate and took for granted, extending the life span of humans, and saving lives as well.
President Obama lifted many of those restrictions in order to make advances in the field of stem cell research. Currently scientists are taking embryonic stem cells and studying them. They live they have the potential to turn into ANY cell in the body. That means that if a war veteran came back with major damage to his or her body, say lost an arm in combat, persuasive essay stem cell research we will have the potential to grow back that arm that he or she lost. It gives us the ability to give back to soldiers that fought with their life to protect our country and us. Also scientists have found that human embryonic stem cells may have the ability to cure some cancers.
Not only will that bring relief to families, but it will bring joy. The joy of hearing that there is a cure for cancer. That the family member diagnosed of cancer, as hope to get rid of the killing disease. It will relieve the worries of developing that fatal disease. Who wants to stop a heart from beating? But it is legal in some states. There is nothing we could do about that. It is what it is. Researchers will be able to study them and be able to find cures for fatal diseases and injuries. Abortion is going to continue to happen. It is a cruel, persuasive essay stem cell research, but real situation. There are many people that are wishing that are regretting taking their limbs or sight or organs for granted.
But there are also many that do not take it for granted and really are grateful for being able to walk and do everything that a normal human being can. And all am asking from you, is to support the research of human embryonic stem cells. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Stem Cell Research Persuasive. Accessed December 2, Why Are There More Debates Than Answers When Discussing Stem-cell Research? Argumentative Essay.
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Persuasive speech 2 - stem cells
, time: 5:15Stem Cell Research Persuasive Essay Example | GraduateWay
Web19/02/ · Claim 1: First, I showed you that stem cells have the ability cure thousands of people. 2. Claim 2: Next, I told you how the potential of stem cells are endless and WebA persuasive for the use of stem cells for research. Using stem cell could reduce the dependence on organ donations and transplantation. In a survey posted on WebPersuasive Essay On Stem Cell Research life ended before it started. Stem cell research is doing this to human beings just like you and me. Honestly I feel as though this
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